Saturday, November 26, 2005


We're Winning, We're Really Winning (the WSJ Editorial Page Tells Me So!)

Off the top of my head....

The Wall Street Journal notes in a holiday weekend Saturday editorial that we're winning in Iraq.

Of course: is Iraq worse off than it was approximately one week post-invasion?

Of course not.

Would it be better off now if the whole sanctions issue have been handled in a more reasonable manner than it was, effectively dictated by the neo-cons (accent on "con"), possibly the nuttiest of the wingnuts? You can discuss the details but I see it as a given.

And Saddam was an utter whore; I cannot believe and have seen nothing to the contrary that he could have been bought off, for cheaper in every way that matters -- money and human cost -- than this ridiculous utterly unnecessary war.

And what have we gotten out of it (excluding W's financial supporters of course)? A weakened armed services? Less security of course; nothing terrorists and radicals like better than an anarchy. (That's why they were in Afghanistan -- wasn't that Taliabani Kabul was such a cool place.)

At least, maybe, the majority of us is copping to the utter dishonesty of this administration; in a year we'll see whether enough voters feel the same way.... Of course voting them out is no way like actually getting rid of the wingnuts cf. the Clinton years.

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