Friday, December 30, 2005


Why I Hate Micro$oft, Installment 47,863

Well, it's a lying, thieving company that uses strongarm tactics to force God-awful products -- crap, actually -- down peoples' throats.

But Walt Mossberg (in the Journal), being a pro and all, has a somewhat better point, better made than I can make:

Some of you wonder why reviewers like me, writing for the non-IT part of the world, have consistently praised Apple products in recent years. One reason is that they are good. Another is that they have been unaffected (so far) by the plague of viruses and spyware that makes Windows users miserable. But an underlying reason is the focus on individual users.

There are some small, Windows-based PC companies that sell mainly to the non-IT world. The best example is Alienware; another is eMachines, now part of Gateway. But they tend to cater to narrower markets than Apple. Alienware is aimed mainly at gamers, eMachines at bargain hunters.

In my view, the world would be better off if the biggest computer companies started catering more to the non-IT part of the market, where most computers live.

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