Saturday, January 14, 2006


Filibuster, Yes!

Let them go Nuclear.


Big Media is all obsessed by how pleasant and nice Alito came across. It's easier than analyzing his record and assume that it was essentially truthful and reflected facts. As opposed to the Robertsesque smoke he blew up everyones' asses at the hearings.

Again, he is completely unfit and therefor filibuster-appropriate. There is no other way to keep him off the bench.

But that would probably trigger the so-called nuclear option.

I say bring it on.

The wingnuts will either blink or, indeed, go nuclear.

If the former, the nomination is in trouble.

If the latter, the wingnuts may well be the ones hurt most. They're already en route to suffering the death of a 1,000 cuts come November. Look at the GOP as a brand; it is eroding, becoming more and more negative in the public's mind -- and hopefully those of likely voters as well. It may well push things towards a more likley -- dare one say it? -- Dem takeover of one or both houses.

Given that, do the wingnuts want to be a minority in a filibuster-free Senate?

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