Sunday, January 15, 2006


Quote of The Day and News to Go With it

A little hypocricy from a wingnut (but what else is new), or chutzpah as my people say. The crap that comes out of their mouthes is really endless. If only it could work as an alternative energy source; I'm sure it would be cheap enough....

By way of the Asia Times:

Iraq, the mother of all budget busters
By David Isenberg

"If Bush had come to the American people with a request to spend several hundred billion dollars and several thousand American lives in order to bring democracy to Iraq, he would have been laughed out of court."

- noted political scientist Francis Fukuyama

It turns out the eventual cost of the war in Iraq will not be several hundred billion, but according to a new study at least a thousand billion dollars - US$1 trillion, in other words. This figure dwarfs any previous estimate by orders of magnitude.

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