Sunday, March 26, 2006


Just Another Wasted Death to Make Some Greedy Dumbass Alpha Happy

I fully respect that greed and aggression is the fuel, as it were, for initial econoomic growth. Without those traits, none of the brilliant ideas would result in good for the commonweal be it cool stuff or, well, employment for people.

That said, your average capitalist would say Paul Dana’s death is just the price of the engine of economic growth.

I beg to differ.

Tony George married into not inconsiderable economic wealth. Clearly, though, it wasn’t enough for Tony. He had to show that he had a bigger dick than any one amongst his in-laws, so to speak.

And his means for doing this involved destroying open-wheel auto racing in this country. Indeed, his aggression overwhelmed his greed tot he extent that such money as he made is greatly insignificant in relation to the economic losses.

As well as Paul Dana’s death.

And George’s hubris included putting his stepson into an IRL car probably before he was ready, in part because he just needed that badly to fill the IRL field.

So there was Ed Carpenter on what is the deadliest, nastiest major auto track in America having a minor but not really unexpected under the circumstances accident when, dead in on the track, figuratively speaking, when Dana hit Carpenter’s car.

And, yeah, now Dana is dead. Note, too, that Dana was little more experienced than Carpenter and, oh yeah, the Homestead track is a nightmer, specially for all those green drivers George and his IRL desperately need.

Me, I’m not so hardcore a capitalist as to find this wasted death and inury (it seems Carpenter survived relatively intact) at all justifiable.

Indeed, Dana’s death and pretty much the entire IRL is inexcusable.

One wishes Tony George put his obvious talents to something productive....

UPDATE: All this for a "struggling" series and a track audience of approximately 30,000.

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