Monday, March 20, 2006


My Issues with the Xians

An astute reader of this blog might sense an antipathy on the part of the blogger towards Christianity and Christians.

And that would be correct to a limited extent.

Your blogger's antipathy does not extend to all Christians but to those essentially boast of being Christian and proselytize.

And by proselytizing, I mean seeking to convert what was this great democracy into a Christo-fascist theocracy.

What set this rant off is a recent experience at work involving a complaint lodged by a believer. This woman is in fact bitter, possibly hateful, immodest and generally not at all Christian as I understand the idea except, I suppose, her believe in Jesus enables her to feel convinced that she can freely abuse and mistreat others.

And pondering this woman (and the response I am now required to deal with at work), I realized every overt believer I know – the ones compelled to make issues of their beliefs instead of practicing tolerance (yes, yes, I know Jesus preached it but the religion requires intolerance in the first instance) is, well, a little nuts.

And then I realized that this extends to that significant, disproportionately powerful minority of Christians who empower the current anti-democratic administration that, in its overpowering lust for wealth and power is in fact Christian in its mouthing but in none of their acts. Flaccid and impotent as the party is, the Dems are far more Christian than the wingnuts. The Dems, in their limited way, walk the walk while the wingnuts only talk the talk. There is a limited exception, which is routing public funds to Christian causes but really that is just a form of corruption. And I believe that being corrupted by wealth, with very rare exceptions, is not Christian. (The great thing about Christianity in America is that there is always someone who would preach any point including that if you accept Jesus being intolerant or living your life based solely on greed and materialism is acceptable.)

Flash: blind belief is as brain damaging, when it comes to actual use of the brain and one's intelligence, as, say, two bottles of vodka or some really, really good weed.

So really, that's pretty much it: I hate having my life f^cked up by nutjobs. Let 'em keep their craziness dementia in their homes or among others of their like.

0 comments, 0 comments, 0 comments! Ever wondered why nobody reads your blog?
Used to get hits, no more, and yes, I wonder (but don't terrible) care (long story why but there's a clue on the blog).
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