Sunday, March 19, 2006


No Law, No Justice

Part of being anti-democratic is of course being against a system of law. (Which why W will have to rank as one of the worst presidents ever if not the wordt: If a president works to destroy the American democracy, he has to rank prettylow.)

I digress; the example of the day:

Lawyers claim witness coaching in Moussaoui case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawyers for two airlines being sued by 9/11 victims prompted a federal attorney to coach witnesses in the Zacarias Moussaoui death penalty trial so the government's case against the al-Qaeda conspirator would not undercut their defense, victims' lawyers allege.
A United Airlines lawyer received a transcript of the first day of the Moussaoui trial from an American Airlines lawyer and forwarded it to Carla J. Martin, a Transportation Security Administration lawyer, the victims' lawyers, Robert Clifford and Gregory Joseph, claim.

The rest is here.

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