Friday, April 28, 2006


The Wingnuts Love the Armed Forces

The current version of a very old story: The wingnuts love military, particularly all thm weapons systems with all that money to pocket.

And they hate the armed forces, vets most of all.

This hatred may well explain the true basis of the new Rumsfield downsized armed forces: no military justification, just a desire to get rid of those who serve. There: don't you feel safer with a Pentagon run by those with such a good grip on military policy, that make decisions based on, you know, security not something silly like greed and venality.

But I digress.

The latest example of how the wingnuts love thier armed forces is here.

And they are rewarded for their love: the forces and the vets love the wingnuts and keep voting for them.... I think this is what's called a dysfunctional relationship....

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