Friday, June 30, 2006


DeLay on Beavers

DeLay hawks 'em:

“Who wants a beaver?” asked DeLay, whom attendees said looked happier and more relaxed than ever. Hoots and hollers followed.

The Hammer continued with lines such as, “Everybody likes beaver, even women” and, as a couple of people in the crowd recall, “The best thing about it, it’s a shaved beaver!” (Though two others, both of them DeLay supporters and protectors, said they think they remember DeLay saying it was “sheared beaver,” not “shaved beaver.”)

At one point, as the bidding went up, DeLay pointed in the crowd to Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) as he held up the fur vest and said, “Sen. Burr, they don’t have beaver like this down in North Carolina.”

And this is to whom he was speaking: Pro-extintionists -- who are providing an appointee to the Department of the Interior. Foxes guarding the henhouse: mthat's Bushydo.

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