Sunday, June 11, 2006


A Hero

This is a hero -- and, of course, a tragic one, having a life ruined for the Iraq fiasco. Here, you read it here first: Iraq will end up with a relatively stable, sufficiently pro-Western government within a generation -- he same as it would have had had the western powers (well, us) not destabilized during the sanctions era and had the Saddam regime ended "naturally", that is, with the bastard's death. That is to say, things will get better there, eventually, no thanks to us.

But Blake Miller: our leaders have royally screwed him; the resource-strapped VA will not be able to give him what he needs. That's how our leaders treat their heroes. That's Bushydo.

why is this guy a hero ?
This gut has gone through more and crap 99.99% of us and is dealing with it. We owe it to him and the real heroes to take down this administration and its enablers (with strictly legal means of course).

I suppose a true hero is someone who deliberately puts his life on the line (figuratively or literally) but this is close enough for me.
An armed Bank robber puts his life on the line, so does a murderer or a child molester. That doesn’t make them a hero.
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