Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Out of My Mind Competition No. 1

President Bush on Monday condemned as "disgraceful" the disclosure last week by The New York Times and other newspapers of a secret program to investigate and track terrorists that relies on a vast international database that includes Americans' banking transactions.
(If you can't access the Times, same story, mor or less, is here.)

Competition: Come up with instances where our leaders have been disgraceful.

Here are my first two:

Coming no where close to preventing 9/11 because of sheer, total incompetence and/or lack of caring.

Deliberate disregard for the presidential oath of office by explicitly refusing to enforce laws of the United States. (Well, maybe that's not disgraceful but simple treason.)

And there's this from the very same front page of the Times as the above quote. Of course, it's old news how much our leaders hate their armed forces, at least the ones on active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why, some could call that disgraceful.

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