Saturday, June 10, 2006


Rant du Jour

I know I'm way late with this about the meme that will not die.

I refer to this "greatest generation" nonsense.

What is so great about a generation drafted into a global two front war -- WWII? Certainly we're not talking about a generation so eager to fight the fascists that it goaded the government into war. FDR was only elected as a war president once, in '44. Even in '40, he ran more or less against the European war.

So it's not a generation of great principle.

(Bravery, yes, of course but given the circumstances, it's besides the point.)

Post-war, they returned to a powerful economy with a depressed consumer sector -- much of the consumer economy had of course been directed to the war -- and devastated, that is, non-competitive, foreign economy. Do the math: a generation of unparalleled growth and breadth of wealth growth and distribution. (Even now, while we're at the end of a generation of wealth growth, the breadth has been, well, non-existent. Also unlike now, post-WWII, wealth was distributed downward.)

And what does the "greatest generation" raise? Materialistic dopes. Who inturn raise even dumber and more materialistic dopes.

The "greates generation's" kids, in their youth in the 60s or so were able to comprehend government lies. They grew up devoted to materialism and raised children to be little princes and princesses, unable to perceive and comprehend the modern leadership of this country. They either don't care, accept the Freeper gross and erroneous simplification that all government is bad or that actually think there is legitimacy, on any level, to the current administration.

So again, what's so great about the "greatest generation"?

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